Peter van Vliet

Our clinical psychologists

Danielle Voestermans
Anna Kalksma
Peter van Vliet
Ellen van den Eijnden

Peter van Vliet

Clinical psychologist

I’m specialized in the following issues and therapies:

Relationship issues
Loss and mourning
Anxiety and panic disorder
Performance anxiety
Fear of criticism
Insecurity and low self-esteem
Assertiveness issues
Acting or thinking compulsively
Feelings of jealousy, guilt or shame
Loosening of old patterns
Stage of life issues
2nd / 3rd Generation issues
Identity issues
Social issues
Work-related issues

Relationship Therapy
EMDR Therapy
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Trauma Therapy (Imaginary Exposure and Imagination with Rescripting, the last one also in groups)
Schema Therapy (individually and in groups)
Acceptance & Commitment Therapy (ACT)
Running Therapy
Existential Therapy

“As a therapist, I think it is important to be as clear and transparent as possible.”

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About clinical psychologist Peter van Vliet

My name is Peter van Vliet and I have worked at a large mental health institution for 26 years until 2023. I started at Taytelbaum Psychologen in February 2024.

In addition to my work as a clinical psychologist-psychotherapist, I teach schema therapy (in that context I am involved as a senior lecturer in the training to become a nurse specialist), Acceptance and Commitment therapy (ACT) and trauma treatment. I am a supervisor of the Vereniging voor Gedragstherapie (VGCT), the Nederlandse Vereniging voor Psychotherapie (NVP) and the Nederlandse Vereniging voor Psychotrauma (NTVP). I am also registered with the VEN as an EMDR practitioner. I like to pass on knowledge and have been providing supervision and learning therapy for many years to colleagues training to become mental health psychologists, psychotherapists or clinical psychologists. In that context, I also have 6 years of experience as a practical trainer at my previous workplace.

As a therapist, I have experience in treating various issues, including anxiety disorder, depressive and self-image problems. Over the past 15 years I have focused on schema therapy for personality problems, both individually and in groups. I am also a specialist in providing help in dealing with unpleasant events. English and German speaking clients can also contact me.

Psychological issues

Psychological issues arise from a combination of various factors. Your predisposition plays a role, for example whether you are naturally a more introverted or extroverted person, and whether you are impulsive or inhibited. In addition, the way you grew up and raised influences how you develop, and of course which important events you have experienced during the course of your life. Finally, it is also important how you learned to deal with all those things.

The conversations

In the first conversations we will get to know each other and go into more detail about the reasons for your visit, what you would like to achieve with help (your goals) and I will determine in consultation with you how we can achieve this. I will of course also explain the treatment options that I offer so that we can make a choice together.

Over the years I have seen that problems often have something to do with traumatic experiences from the past. And not only things that were there but should not have been (such as verbal/physical abuse, etc.) but also because of what was not there but should have been (warmth, confirmation, love, positive attention, etc.). In my experience, working on this can provide a lot of relief from mental problems. Furthermore, my way of looking at things has been influenced by my experience with schema therapy and its underlying theory.

From training and practice, I have knowledge and experience with various forms of treatment and techniques, such as schema therapy, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and various forms of trauma therapy (in addition to EMDR, also 2 other forms of trauma treatment: Imaginary Exposure and Imagination with Rescripting (IMRS).

As a therapist

As a therapist, I think it is important to be as clear and transparent as possible (‘what you see is what you get’). In that context, I also try to say something (once we have a clear idea of what you are coming for and what treatment we can use) about the estimated duration of the process. Like other colleagues, my guiding principle is: ‘As short as possible, as long as necessary’.

I also think it is important that you experience a good connection and therefore feel at ease with me. If for some reason this is not the case, I would be happy to discuss it. I will also ask about it after the first conversation. In my treatments, a lot of work is usually done together, but humor is also important during the treatment. In addition, I often work with music, (re)discovering what can make life more fun and, if possible and desired, also with lifestyle advice.

BIG-registration Peter van Vliet: 49050781625 (clinical psychologist) and 69050781616 (psychotherapist).

Peter van Vliet

Peter van Vliet

Clinical psychologist

I’m specialized in the following issues and therapies:

Relationship issues
Loss and mourning
Anxiety and panic disorder
Performance anxiety
Fear of criticism
Insecurity and low self-esteem
Assertiveness issues
Acting or thinking compulsively
Feelings of jealousy, guilt or shame
Loosening of old patterns
Stage of life issues
2nd / 3rd Generation issues
Identity issues
Social issues
Work-related issues

Relationship Therapy
EMDR Therapy
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Trauma Therapy (Imaginary Exposure and Imagination with Rescripting, the last one also in groups)
Schema Therapy (individually and in groups)
Acceptance & Commitment Therapy (ACT)
Running Therapy
Existential Therapy

“As a therapist, I think it is important to be as clear and transparent as possible”

Affiliated with:

Our clinical psychologists

Danielle Voestermans
Anna Kalksma
Peter van Vliet
Ellen van den Eijnden

About clinical psychologist Peter van Vliet

My name is Peter van Vliet and I have worked at a large mental health institution for 26 years until 2023. I started at Taytelbaum Psychologen in February 2024.

In addition to my work as a clinical psychologist-psychotherapist, I teach schema therapy (in that context I am involved as a senior lecturer in the training to become a nurse specialist), Acceptance and Commitment therapy (ACT) and trauma treatment. I am a supervisor of the Vereniging voor Gedragstherapie (VGCT), the Nederlandse Vereniging voor Psychotherapie (NVP) and the Nederlandse Vereniging voor Psychotrauma (NTVP). I am also registered with the VEN as an EMDR practitioner. I like to pass on knowledge and have been providing supervision and learning therapy for many years to colleagues training to become mental health psychologists, psychotherapists or clinical psychologists. In that context, I also have 6 years of experience as a practical trainer at my previous workplace.

As a therapist, I have experience in treating various issues, including anxiety disorder, depressive and self-image problems. Over the past 15 years I have focused on schema therapy for personality problems, both individually and in groups. I am also a specialist in providing help in dealing with unpleasant events. English and German speaking clients can also contact me.

Psychological issues

Psychological issues arise from a combination of various factors. Your predisposition plays a role, for example whether you are naturally a more introverted or extroverted person, and whether you are impulsive or inhibited. In addition, the way you grew up and raised influences how you develop, and of course which important events you have experienced during the course of your life. Finally, it is also important how you learned to deal with all those things.

The conversations

In the first conversations we will get to know each other and go into more detail about the reasons for your visit, what you would like to achieve with help (your goals) and I will determine in consultation with you how we can achieve this. I will of course also explain the treatment options that I offer so that we can make a choice together.

Over the years I have seen that problems often have something to do with traumatic experiences from the past. And not only things that were there but should not have been (such as verbal/physical abuse, etc.) but also because of what was not there but should have been (warmth, confirmation, love, positive attention, etc.). In my experience, working on this can provide a lot of relief from mental problems. Furthermore, my way of looking at things has been influenced by my experience with schema therapy and its underlying theory.

From training and practice, I have knowledge and experience with various forms of treatment and techniques, such as schema therapy, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and various forms of trauma therapy (in addition to EMDR, also 2 other forms of trauma treatment: Imaginary Exposure and Imagination with Rescripting (IMRS).

As a therapist

As a therapist, I think it is important to be as clear and transparent as possible (‘what you see is what you get’). In that context, I also try to say something (once we have a clear idea of what you are coming for and what treatment we can use) about the estimated duration of the process. Like other colleagues, my guiding principle is: ‘As short as possible, as long as necessary’.

I also think it is important that you experience a good connection and therefore feel at ease with me. If for some reason this is not the case, I would be happy to discuss it. I will also ask about it after the first conversation. In my treatments, a lot of work is usually done together, but humor is also important during the treatment. In addition, I often work with music, (re)discovering what can make life more fun and, if possible and desired, also with lifestyle advice.

BIG-registration Peter van Vliet: 49050781625 (clinical psychologist) and 69050781616 (psychotherapist).

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System therapy:
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Anger & misunderstanding? Sometimes you are so stuck in negative patterns that you can’t work it out together anymore

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System therapy:
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Anger & misunderstanding? Sometimes you are so stuck in negative patterns that you can’t work it out together anymore

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Our healthcare professionals are trained in Hollands most respected counselling institutions with years of experience in the GGZ, private and charitable sectors in and around Amsterdam. In addition, they are continuously trained and retrained, which is also an obligation to keep their registrations and memberships with various professional associations.

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