Loss and mourning treatment

About loss and mourning treatment

Mourning is a natural response to loss. You can have feelings of sadness, anger, shock, disbelief, despair, gloom, this is different for everyone. Losing a loved one through divorce or death is usually emotional and drastic. You can also mourn the loss of your job, loss of good health, or loss of a desire to have children. In all cases you have to learn to deal with the loss. It is never easy. Still, in most cases, together with family and friends, you can put things to rest after a while.

But sometimes it is not possible to proceed with your normal life, you can also have problems in your relationship with others (relationship problems) or in your work situation. If the loss takes over your life, it will be too hard. If you cannot cope with the loss properly, you can also develop symptoms such as burnout, depressive or anxiety symptoms. You just can’t get out and you need guidance.

The guidance is intended for giving your loss a place in your daily life. We do the same for the direct and indirect consequences of that loss. We are looking very specifically for solutions that help you move forward with your life.

Avoidance reactions can also occur, because you cannot tolerate the feelings, for example. These avoidance responses are also addressed during treatment, such as avoiding talking about the loss, avoiding certain situations, or avoiding feelings.

Therapies for loss and mourning

Depending on the nature of the problems, a psychologist can apply different forms of therapy during the conversations.

Loss affects your beliefs about yourself, your environment and your future. Loss also affects your thoughts, feelings and behavior. With cognitive behavioral therapy you learn to deal with loss and grief differently. If avoidance behavior is involved, we will discuss with you how you can gradually be exposed to the pain of loss.

A great loss within a family can cause several people within the family to have problems with grieving This often happens when someone dies suddenly, for example in a traffic accident. Certain patterns within the family can also ensure that it is not possible to find a new balance within the family. In such situations, family therapy can help.

The feelings of grief (sadness, anger, gloom, etc.) are often also felt in the body. Body-oriented therapy and mindfulness (breathing and relaxation exercises) can also be used for support.

It is possible that one form of therapy is used, but a combination of different types of therapy is also a good option. At the start of the treatment process, you discuss with your therapist which form of therapy is best for you and your symptoms, and what feels comfortable for you. In this way, the treatment is tailor-made, so that you feel seen, heard and helped by us.

Contact Psychologen Amsterdam

Do you recognize your symptoms and do you need help or do you just have a question about the treatment of your loss? Then call for an appointment or send a message to Psychologen Amsterdam.

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Our specialists in the field of Loss and mourning treatment

Lotte van Oevelen
Iva Susac
Danielle Voestermans
Hester de Zoete
Jessica Coppoolse
Anna Kalksma
Peter van Vliet
Sylvana Koene
Karin van Nimwegen
Ellen van den Eijnden
Sjaña Holloway
Kitty Kamphuis

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A warm welcome from our founder Anouk Taytelbaum.
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What do we offer?

A safe and trusted place for therapy in Amsterdam

A warm welcome from our founder Anouk Taytelbaum.
We are here to help you.

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System therapy:
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Anger & misunderstanding? Sometimes you are so stuck in negative patterns that you can’t work it out together anymore

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System therapy:
relationship and family therapy

Anger & misunderstanding? Sometimes you are so stuck in negative patterns that you can’t work it out together anymore

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We offer various coaching programs such as personal coaching, careercoaching and teamcoaching.


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